We have begun the evaluation, monitoring and pheromone feeding stage of the project


When the beech leaves start to appear, we know that there is no more time to waste at the office and we must begin the stage of evaluation, monitoring, and pheromone feeding in the intervention areas for the conservation of saproxylic insects in the Putna-Vrancea Natural Park.

With a 4-meter-long endoscopic photo camera, we check each cavity created in trees as well as the interior of the boxes filled with decomposing plant material to see if we have guests or tenants among insects, birds, or even small mammals. To the piles of dead wood, which we built last fall with the help of our teammates from the Putna Vrancea Natural Park, we attach a few packets of attractants that insects find appealing and record the general condition of the wood.

We take note of every animal’s presence and take pictures of it, but of course we leave them in peace to enjoy the living space we created and we are very glad to see that nature works well and purposefully.