We invite you to watch the film! – Conservation of saproxilic beetles in the Carpathians


After two years of working in the forest to capture the saproxylic insects of the Putna Vrancea Natural Park, as well as the most important stages of the LIFE ROsalia project, the alpine longhorn beetle, the oak longhorn beetle, the hermit beetle, the stag beetle, and the grey longhorn beetle have become the main actors of the film Conserving Saproxylic Insects in the Carpathians.

The film, created in collaboration with the team from VIDEOPOINT – Sfântu Gheorghe, reveals many unique sequences from the intricate world of saproxylic insects and highlights how the project team is working to create a network of favorable habitats for these protected species. In the next 30 minutes, you’ll discover how we can preserve forest health while protecting biodiversity.

If you’re eager to be captivated by the remarkable lives of these beetles, we invite you to watch the movie and explore their unique lives up close.

The LIFE ROsalia project Conserving Saproxylic Insects in the Carpathians (LIFE19 NAT/RO/000023) is implemented by the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with the University of Bucharest – CCMESI, the Putna Vrancea Natural Park Administration, and the Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity, funded by the European Commission and the Ministry of Environment, Waters, and Forests.

The project aims to halt and reverse the decline of saproxylic beetle species found in the Carpathians, protected under the Habitats Directive, by demonstrating conservation actions that increase the connectivity of favorable habitats in ROSCI0208 Putna Vrancea (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) and replicating these actions at other Natura 2000 sites in Romania. The target species are Rosalia alpina, Osmoderma eremita, Morimus funereus, Cerambyx cerdo, and Lucanus cervus.